Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 1, Monday - 28 May 2012.

(1) Be more fit / healthy
(2) Able to comfortably complete the marathon
(3) Lose weight / inches
(4) Gain energy and vitality

Means during this 30+ day journey:  
(1) Eat Paleo
(2) Exercise
(3) Drink Water consistently

* Eat Paleo - what does that mean?  (From Robb Wolf's website)

Okay To EatAvoid
Lean MeatsProcessed Food & Sugars
Nuts & SeedsStarches
Healthy FatsAlcohol
Highlight meal of the day was dinner.  I followed a recipe from "Everyday Paleo" website.  I made Pan seared mahi mahi with ginger mango salsa and cilantro sauce.  (recipe: 
It was supposed to be halibut but I used Mahi Mahi instead.  The homemade mayo was a rousing failure so store bought mayo was used instead.  And, I misread the recipe and put a tsp of cayenne in the mayo mixture...not bad!  I was also supposed to use a lot of cilantro in the mayo mixture but went with 2 generous pinches instead....was like a tartar sauce.  It will be a repeat recipe to keep in the meal line up.

* Exercise - what does that mean?  Well.  I want to be on that Runners World streak to run a mile a day for 38 days until the 4th of July.   Today, I did a Crossfit workout called Murphy.  Murphy is named after a Navy Medal of Honor awardee.  It entails, run 1 mile, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups and 300 squats and run 1 mile.  I did 1/2 of a Murphy with 112# assisted pullups and on my knees pushups.  First 1/2 mile was 5:00 mins; Second 1/2 mile was 4:34 (faster!). that one mile in for the streak to continue.

* Drink Water - I've heard two different theories on this.  
(1) Drink 1/2 your body weight in water in ounces.  Today I'm 184# so that would be 92oz of water.  Whew...that's a lot.
(2) Drink 8 cups a day:  That's 64 oz of water.
I tried a happy medium and got in 8 1/2 c today.

Statistics: (I'll do this every two weeks)
Morning weight on home scale:  184.0
Circumference measurements:
* Waist:  33.5 inches
* Hips:   43 inches
* Waist to Hip ratio:  .779
(I learned that a waist to hip ratio of .8 or higher for women or .95 or higher for men is an indicator of increased risk such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.  Source:  The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf)

hmmmm.  I'm pretty dang close to that .8 number.  Better giddyup!

I'd like to track progress through blood work as well...will have to find a doc who is willing to play in my commitment.

Oh...and the dreaded before photo...I'm not even sure if I'll post that now...but will get Damion's help to take this blasted photo.  I'm fluffy in spots...and somehow it snuck up on me.  Now it's time to return the favor and sneak up on the fluff!

OK...well...I never thought I'd have a thing to blog about.  And now I'm just blathering on.

Signing off...til 'morrow or so.

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