Circuit #1 Perform
on Monday
Run for 2 minutes
Push Ups or Swing Push Ups for 1 minute
Burpee Jumping Jacks for 2 minutes
Squats for 1 minute
Jump Rope for 2 minutes
Bear Crawl for 1 minute
Rest for 1 minute
Scramble to Sprint for 2 minutes
Duck Walk for 1 minute
Squat Jumps for 2 minutes
Bodyweight Rows for 1 minute
High Knee Sprint in Place for 2 minutes
Bodyweight Curls for 1 minute
Rest for 60 Seconds
Army Crawl Knees Off Ground or Army Crawl Knees On Ground
The workout above was hard.
I was supposed to do it 2x thru. But once was quite enough thank you very much!
Felt a little self conscious doing it as I was on the basketball court doing this. The bball court is behind a see thru wall so the entire gym can see me flailing about if they happen to look that way.
And trust me, I was walk is really not meant for long legged people, just sayin'
My eating habits have declined and my weight has shot back up. Amazing how that works.
We are in the season of lent now.
I've banned soda and sweets (any dessert, candy or artificially sweetened thing (except w/stevia)) from my diet. Getting back on the Paleo and juicing wagon.
Must keep telling myself, "Your a tough can do this!"
Had two crazy hard crossfit workouts this past weekend. Egads! I think my eyelashes are sore.
Really enjoyed those workouts. It reaffirms that I need some addl work to get to a level of fitness.
Happy Presidents' Day.