Monday, February 18, 2013

Tough Mudder Circuit - How'd it go?

Circuit #1 Perform
on Monday
Run for 2 minutes
Push Ups or Swing Push Ups for 1 minute
Burpee Jumping Jacks for 2 minutes
Squats for 1 minute
Jump Rope for 2 minutes
Bear Crawl for 1 minute
Rest for 1 minute
Scramble to Sprint for 2 minutes
Duck Walk for 1 minute
Squat Jumps for 2 minutes
Bodyweight Rows for 1 minute
High Knee Sprint in Place for 2 minutes
Bodyweight Curls for 1 minute
Rest for 60 Seconds
Army Crawl Knees Off Ground or Army Crawl Knees On Ground


The workout above was hard.
I was supposed to do it 2x thru.  But once was quite enough thank you very much!

Felt a little self conscious doing it as I was on the basketball court doing this.  The bball court is behind a see thru wall so the entire gym can see me flailing about if they happen to look that way.  
And trust me, I was walk is really not meant for long legged people, just sayin'

My eating habits have declined and my weight has shot back up.  Amazing how that works.

We are in the season of lent now.
I've banned soda and sweets (any dessert, candy or artificially sweetened thing (except w/stevia)) from my diet.  Getting back on the Paleo and juicing wagon.

Must keep telling myself, "Your a tough can do this!"

Had two crazy hard crossfit workouts this past weekend.  Egads!  I think my eyelashes are sore.
Really enjoyed those workouts.  It reaffirms that I need some addl work to get to a level of fitness.

Happy Presidents' Day.


Monday, February 11, 2013

We're gonna party like it's my birthday!

My birthday is today and it's a milestone birthday that ends in "5".
Yay me.

Enjoyed a great Crossfit Workout today.
And found my re-motivation for my Tough Mudder training.
I found a training schedule that I'm going to embark on starting on Tuesday.
Why not today (Monday)?  Because I need some space to do these workout and I want to use the large open space at the gym (which is in use usually on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays with a boot camp class).

The workouts look hard but fun.  They entail doing these circuits and then running on the off days.  There's one rest day per week which I likely will use as active rest (aka yoga class):

Circuit #1 Perform
on Monday
Run for 2 minutes
Push Ups or Swing Push Ups for 1 minute
Burpee Jumping Jacks for 2 minutes
Squats for 1 minute
Jump Rope for 2 minutes
Bear Crawl for 1 minute
Rest for 1 minute
Scramble to Sprint for 2 minutes
Duck Walk for 1 minute
Squat Jumps for 2 minutes
Bodyweight Rows for 1 minute
High Knee Sprint in Place for 2 minutes
Bodyweight Curls for 1 minute
Rest for 60 Seconds
Army Crawl Knees Off Ground or Army Crawl Knees On Ground
Circuit #2 Perform
on Wednesday
Run for 2 minutes
Lizard Crawl Push Ups for 1 minute
Step Jumps for 2 minutes
Walking Lunges for 1 minute
Kangaroo Hops for 2 minutes
Spiderman Climbs for 1 minute
Rest for 1 minute
Butt Kick Sprint in Place for 2 minutes
Bear Crawl/Crab Crawl combo for one minute
One Legged Step Ups for 2 minutes each leg
Pull Ups or Bodyweight Rows for 1 minute
Mountain Climbers for 2 minutes
Suicide Planks for 1 minute
Rest for 1 minute
Army Crawl Knees Off Ground or Army Crawl Knees On Ground
Circuit #3 Perform
on Friday
Run for 2 minutes
Spiderman Push Ups or Feet Elevated Push Ups for 1 minute
Jumping Lunges for 2 minutes
Bench Dips for 1 minute
Jumpovers for 2 minutes
Backwards Bear Crawl for 1 minute
Rest for 1 minute
Frog Leap for 2 minutes
Walkover Push ups for 1 minute
Mountain Jumpers for 2 minutes
One Legged Squat for 1 minute each leg
Side Lunges for 2 minutes
Broad Jump for 1 minute
Rest for 1 minute
Army Crawl Kne

P.S.  I hope this blog doesn't sound too self-centered.  Probably does.  I'm sharing this to get your support but I also hope it helps someone else find their fitness passion, too.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Another week

Another week of ups and downs.
The pushers continue to push.
And I relent.

Did 12 days of working out in a row (until yesterday).  Time wasn't my friend...
But back at it today with a yoga class.
I need to get a good run in...hoping weather will cooperate so I can go outside vice on the hamster-mill.

Not getting on the scale this week.
I think I know the answer...and I just assume not know...will do better this week.

Enjoying more strength.
Push ups especially are getting stronger.
Really enjoyed  Now I understand why I never could improve on push ups by practicing on my knees after watching this video.  My mechanics were all wrong.

45th Birthday is just around the corner.

Looking to score an outstanding on my Navy physical fitness test in April.  Gotta get stronger and faster.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Food Pushers - why are they so insistent?

So, I'm earnestly working to make a commitment to my health...sleep, eat well (Paleo and juicing), exercise, water and repeat.

I have a new favorite juicing recipe:
3 handfuls of spinach
1 lemon
1 granny smith apple
1/2 handful of parsley
2 persian cucumbers
1 knuckle of ginger
It usually yields about 16oz / 2 cups of juice.

It's like drinking freshness in a Mason jar.  YUM!

So, I have a little rant to get out's about Food Pushers.
There always seems to be the food pusher there...the person who insists you can have just one cookie.  But, right now, I'm not eating sugar, wheat, grains, etc...
But, here comes the FOOD PUSHER who:
* leaves a bag of Hershey miniatures in the common area at work
* brings cookies (or other "treat") to work and says "your metabolism is high right now since you just worked out, c'mon...just have one, it won't kill you."

And over and again, I have to politely but firmly say "No, thank you!"

But the FOOD PUSHER persists... "No, thank you!"

Again... "No, Thank you!"

What is their deal?  

So frustrating.

So how do you deal with a food pusher?

1.  Politely say no. (the preferred choice)
2.  Accept the item and then discretely toss it away (I don't like doing this...first, I don't want the temptation and second, I don't want them to get into the habit of giving me sweets.)
3. Accept the item and have a bite or two.  (Again, another one I prefer not to do because I don't want to start down a slippery slope of eating things that I shouldn't)

I'm seeing and feeling progress.  My latest chart is provided for you to view.
My clothes are starting to feel looser and I am seeing progress at the gym (more strength).
So...I will push forward with my own convictions and commitments.
I had a moment of pride when someone at work asked me what I was doing because my clothes look looser on me!  Score!  That gave me a boost to keep at it!