My birthday is today and it's a milestone birthday that ends in "5".
Yay me.
Enjoyed a great Crossfit Workout today.
And found my re-motivation for my Tough Mudder training.
I found a training schedule that I'm going to embark on starting on Tuesday.
Why not today (Monday)? Because I need some space to do these workout and I want to use the large open space at the gym (which is in use usually on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays with a boot camp class).
The workouts look hard but fun. They entail doing these circuits and then running on the off days. There's one rest day per week which I likely will use as active rest (aka yoga class):
Circuit #1 Perform
on Monday
Run for 2 minutes
Push Ups or Swing Push Ups for 1 minute
Burpee Jumping Jacks for 2 minutes
Squats for 1 minute
Jump Rope for 2 minutes
Bear Crawl for 1 minute
Rest for 1 minute
Scramble to Sprint for 2 minutes
Duck Walk for 1 minute
Squat Jumps for 2 minutes
Bodyweight Rows for 1 minute
High Knee Sprint in Place for 2 minutes
Bodyweight Curls for 1 minute
Rest for 60 Seconds
Army Crawl Knees Off Ground or Army Crawl Knees On Ground
Circuit #2 Perform
on Wednesday
Run for 2 minutes
Lizard Crawl Push Ups for 1 minute
Step Jumps for 2 minutes
Walking Lunges for 1 minute
Kangaroo Hops for 2 minutes
Spiderman Climbs for 1 minute
Rest for 1 minute
Butt Kick Sprint in Place for 2 minutes
Bear Crawl/Crab Crawl combo for one minute
One Legged Step Ups for 2 minutes each leg
Pull Ups or Bodyweight Rows for 1 minute
Mountain Climbers for 2 minutes
Suicide Planks for 1 minute
Rest for 1 minute
Army Crawl Knees Off Ground or Army Crawl Knees On Ground
Circuit #3 Perform
on Friday
Run for 2 minutes
Spiderman Push Ups or Feet Elevated Push Ups for 1 minute
Jumping Lunges for 2 minutes
Bench Dips for 1 minute
Jumpovers for 2 minutes
Backwards Bear Crawl for 1 minute
Rest for 1 minute
Frog Leap for 2 minutes
Walkover Push ups for 1 minute
Mountain Jumpers for 2 minutes
One Legged Squat for 1 minute each leg
Side Lunges for 2 minutes
Broad Jump for 1 minute
Rest for 1 minute
Army Crawl Kne
P.S. I hope this blog doesn't sound too self-centered. Probably does. I'm sharing this to get your support but I also hope it helps someone else find their fitness passion, too.
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