Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 4 - Thursday, 31 May 2012 (farewell May).

The pachyderm.
My unconscious mind (UCM) is like a pachyderm according to Coach Paul.
He actually said elephant.  But I'm kinda partial to has a bounce to it. says a pachyderm is "Any of the thick-skinned, nonruminant ungulates, as the elephant, hippopotamus, and rhinoceros."  And I'm just along for a ride on the ungulate (means having hooves...I just learned that word, too!)

So...but like any animal, it can be tamed.  A dog I know, will do high five on demand...after being trained to do it.  I used to ride horses...when I said, "Trot"...we trotted.  When I said, "WO"...we wo'd (stop) as I pulled back on the reigns.  Now that I'm on this trot to wellness, I'm having to learn how to say WO... and how to use my own reigns on my UCM (my pachyderm).

Exercise.  I went to and did the Week 1, Day 1 workout.  

Max load back squat (#85)...not too shabby
Then AMRAP back squat 7 reps; chest to bar pull ups (w/gravitron help) 7 reps.
I was able to get 8 rounds done in the 8 minute time limit to complete the AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible where 1 round = 7 pull ups and 7 back squats).

I was supposed to do Run: 9 rounds of 1:00 on/1:00 off, each "on" round shoud be at 95% effort at 3+ hours after the workout above.  But then work happened, then picked up my son from an extracurricular, the UCM said...I'm HUNGRY!  Darn Pachyderm.  So, I drove to Chick Fil A (I know...I did...there's no paleo there except maybe salad)...but the line was flippin' long.  I saw it as a sign that I'm not supposed to eat that and drove on by.  I had chipotle seared scallops and red pepper broccoli instead.  Followed by Banana w/Almond Butter.  UCM is happy...but now tummy is full and I don't dare run like the wind on a full stomach.  Welcome to 10:30pm...the alarm goes off in 6 minutes.  It's only 18 mins to do this last part but...this isn't getting done tonight.  Perhaps tomorrow.

Best part about today...walking into work.
Sense of accomplishment from a good workout.
Legs really felt happy after those squats...alive...almost tingly...hmmmm.

Lesson learned today:  Have some good paleo snacks handy to take the edge off when life gets in the way of eating a meal on time.

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