Sunday, July 1, 2012

Underground Wellness

1 Jul 2012 - Day 34
Well, somewhere along the line the Month of May melted into Jun and now it's July!
34 Days into this journey and it feels a little easier of late.

Nutrition:  I listened the Underground Wellness Show and that interview with the Hartwigs was amazing.  One of the analogies they used was about smoking.  For me, it's so easy NOT to smoke.  So, how can I bring that mindset to NOT eating the foods that aren't Paleo/Primal?  The Hartwigs suggested not trying to "white knuckle" (e.g., "suffering" through the absence of a desired food) but to reward myself with a substitute food.  So, when I want a Diet Coke, I should go after some mineral water with lemon, lime or rosemary; iced tea w/stevia and lemon, water, etc...  find another thing to fill that void that is healthful.

Exercise:  I think I'm doing well with being consistent and getting into the gym.  I need to hit the path more to get ready for this Marathon.  The treadmill is all well and good but not quite the challenge as running in real life.

Bonus:  Yesterday, Scott and I did the Vanguard Games.  It's like my gym's version of a mini Crossfit Games.  We did 3 challenging WODs and an obstacle course.  I managed to hike my 6 foot frame over the 6' wall.  Aye Dios Mio!  I have interesting bruises on my body after the obstacle course and am a smidge sore.  But, as Coach Paul says, reward the Pachyderm.

Dear Pachyderm, thanks for being there for me to get these challenging workouts done.  You performed well and didn't give up.  You displayed wonderful effort and diligence.  You are walking us down the right path!  Get 'er done!  I'm proud of you Pachyderm.

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