Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 1A - A Whole 30 new beginning

So, yesterday...I ate Crab Bisque or some other creamy soup name and calamari.
It was delish but the thing I noticed this morning...
I was hungry...
Hungry, hungry...
Hungry like I wanted to eat anything and everything in sight hungry.

So...we begin anew...again.

Let's go Star!  Go Star!  Go Hard!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day ? - Whole 30 Recap

I've gotten sidetracked.

I caught a cold and just didn't feel like exercising or preparing meals.
So, I fell back into old habits.

I also have the added stress of a new job with a new boss.
I'm routinely leaving the office at 7pm or later.
It sounds like whining...and it likely is but...
It's hard to get up in the morning to go exercise...when I haven't really had a lot of sleep the night before because I'm getting home sooooooo late.


Need to eat more veggies, lean meats, some fruit and nuts...


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 5 - Whole 30 Recap

I have a cold!
I can't smell anything!
I can't taste anything!
Every time I sneeze, I'm sure that my brains are going to fly out of my ears.

Sleep:  Fell asleep at 10 and up at 4:30 -- on 6.5 hours

Breakfast...smoothie with spinach, banana, berries, carrots, protein powder, flax seed and coconut water

Lunch and Dinner ... chicken thigh and sweet potato fries.

Only ate dinner because I should...absolutely no appetite...this cold is a bummer.

Feel like poo and want to rest.
Think that is best.

Goal:  Drown this cold in H2O.  I like to avoid medicine when I can so... look out're going to get drowned.

Day 4 - Whole 30 Recap

I'm catching a cold.

I wonder where I would find Paleo cough drops?
I had a sore throat when I woke up.
Found some Halls Vitamin C lozenges to suck on all day at 15 calories a piece...I think I had 10-15 of the 25 count bag.  Throat felt better.  Probably should have done the warm salt water gargle routine but that takes time...and I just wanted the convenience of sucking.
As a result of the sore throat, I didn't exercise today.

I need to keep a stash of bone broth in the freezer 'cause all I wanted yesterday was soup.

Breakfast:  Sausage and Eggs

Lunch:  Chicken and Broccoli

Dinner:  5 Guys Burger with veggies (onions, lettuce tomato, mushrooms); no bun and 10 french fries.

I know they say you go through a sort of Carb flu when you're getting off carbs.
But I think this is an actual cold.
I'm craving a massage too...need to do a mobility WOD with the foam cushion thingey.

w/the exception of the was a Paleo day.

Trying to avoid the temptation of stepping on the scale everyday but to no avail...I want to see progress through better eating.  I'll try to stay off the scale tomorrow.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 3 - Whole 30 Recap

Day 3- Whole 30 recap

Breakfast:  Omelette

Lunch:  Spinach Salad with two chicken thighs

Dinner:  One chicken thigh and sweet potato fries

Worked out with a friend today.  Hula hoop, weighted jump rope, kettle bell swings, sumo and kettle bell press, dips, push ups and plank.  Can you say sweaty?

Great way to start the day on the right foot.  A morning workout of course.  I just can't get the motivation to workout after work or during the day.  I find a reason not a hair out of place or a hangnail can be a perfectly good reason not to workout.  So morning workouts.

I am the proud owner of a medicine ball (10 lbs).  I found it online...on sale!
Looking forward to some wall balls!

Today:  I wanted to drink more water...just a bit...and I did...6 cups of green tea today.  2 cups of water.  

Tomorrow:  Continue with the incremental change...drink a little more water.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Day 2 - Whole 30 recap

Day 2 - Whole 30 recap

Had a successful Whole 30 day.  As coach would say....VICTORY!

Breakfast:  Almond Butter (a couple of spoonfuls before my run)

Lunch:  Omelette

Dinner:  Spinach Salad and two chicken thighs (recipe compliments of Foodee Project)...yum

Ran just short of 8 miles to day with leaden legs.  Running on a treadmill has ruined me...the road doesn't move underneath my legs and that just bums me out.

Stomach is finally recovered from the Wendy's experience.  Won't do that again.

Got 8+ hours of sleep last night...

Didn't crash and burn after my run last week.
Last week...I ran, took a shower and laid in the bed the rest of the day recovering.
Today, I felt much better.  Wonder why?
Well, I actually had things to do today.
Vacuumed, laundry, took Scott to Crossfit, brunch out with the fam.
I did have an unintended siesta while watching the Olympics this afternoon...but aren't naps a good thing?

Establishing New Habits:
I read a good article today about establishing new habits that I can really get into:
The gist of the article is to make gradual changes vice sudden ones.
You end up establishing new habits that in a sense is like bypass creates a new pathway around the old habit.

Tomorrow's new habit...drinking just a bit more water and staying away from the incessant junk food in the office.

Day 1 - Whole 30 recap

Day 1 - Whole 30 recap

Had a very successful Whole 30 day.

Breakfast:  Almond Butter and Banana

Lunch:  Meatballs, tilapia and salad

Dinner:  (I'm most proud of this meal because it was at a pool party at someone's home):
Hamburger (no bun), tomato, lettuce, spinach salad, chicken kabob, asparagus, fruit kabobs (2)

Eating out can be challenging but I found a litany of things that I could eat and really enjoyed.  I even ate asparagus, which is a miracle for me since I scarred from asparagus journeys as a child...having to stay at the table and eat the "nasty" asparagus...couldn't get up from the table until it was done....ew!

Looking forward to another healthful day of eating.

That experience with Wendy's (that upset my tummy for 24+ hours) really told the tale for me of why I should be eating more clean...the body rejected the bad food.

Whole 30

I'm trying the Whole 30 this month (  Starting yesterday (03 Aug 2012).
Eat paleo.

I've been about 60/40 in my ability to eat Paleo of late and I think my body is starting to convert to wanting/desiring good foods.  Last night, I had a Wendy's single hamburger with cheese (and bun) w/ a side of fries.  This body is rejecting this food.  My tummy is unhappy (I'll spare you the gory details).  This is more proof for me that I'm not built to eat this kind of food...anymore.

As I get more into this...doing more research and reading, I find lots of good support.

The Foodee project is my new favorite website.  It provides good info on recipes that are paleo.
You can add the recipes to a shopping cart which in turn creates a grocery store shopping list!
Very convenient!